
Clean Line Energy

Innovant lead media relations, branding efforts, website development and maintenance, creation of communications tools and collateral, as well as provide public relations strategy for Clean Line Energy’s projects.

Clean Line Energy is developing new infrastructure projects that will connect the best renewable energy resources in North America to communities and cities that lack access to new, low-cost renewable power.

Because the United States possesses some of the best renewable energy resources in the world, renewable energy technology is advancing, and there is a growing need for cleaner energy, the U.S. is moving towards a clean energy economy. However, the continued growth of renewable energy in the U.S. faces a serious challenge, the lack of transmission. Clean Line Energy’s goal is to develop transmission lines to bridge the gap between the abundant resources and the population centers that need them.

Innovant lead media relations, branding efforts, website development and maintenance, creation of communications tools and collateral, as well as provide public relations strategy for Clean Line Energy’s projects under development. Clean Line has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Economist, The Atlantic, the Chicago Tribune, the Houston Chronicle, Texas Monthly, Vox, on NPR nationally and regionally,  and many other leading publications.

The Innovant Public Relations team designed the brand and website for the Mesa Canyons Wind Farm in New Mexico.

Mesa Canyons banner
Mesa Canyons web mockup
Mesa Canyons web mobile mockup
Mesa Canyons business cards
Mesa Canyons branding suite
Mesa Canyons hat mockup

The Innovant Public Relations team created a suite of communications materials to be used for all of Clean Line’s transmission line projects including resource books for local leaders, brochures, websites, fact sheets, and info graphics.

The Innovant Public Relations team created a public relations campaign to build awareness and generate support for the Plains & Eastern Clean Line while it was undergoing a lengthy federal permitting process.

Clean Line Energy mobile mockup 5
Clean Line Energy mobile mockup 4
Clean Line Energy mobile mockup 3
Clean Line Energy mobile mockup 2
Clean Line Energy mobile mockup 1
“With a combined 27 years of experience at the forefront of communications strategies in the renewables space, the Innovant Public Relations team possesses unparalleled, broad knowledge and deep, hard earned experience. They have a solid understanding of how to manage the many moving communications targets that are critical to successfully developing and building large-scale generation and infrastructure projects. Specifically, Innovant’s principals know how to tightly bring together public outreach, branding, permitting strategy and issue-specific messaging while maintaining a keen appreciation of landowner and community relationships. Keeping the local perspective at the forefront allows the Innovant PR team to create a holistic communications approach necessary to meet the end goals of their clients. Innovant PR’s skill sets puts them truly at the top of the field.”
Michael Skelly

Senior Advisor, Lazard